
Comprehensive Endodontic Treatments to Relieve Pain

The endodontists at Dental Specialists KC in Kansas City, MO focus on complicated problems affecting the inner layers of the teeth, primarily the pulp, which commonly becomes inflamed. The nerves, blood vessels, and tissue that comprise the pulp are sensitive. When the outer tooth shell is weakened and the pulp is infected, it causes significant pain.
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Problems Addressed by Endodontists

Hygienists and dentists perform routine cleanings and repair minor decay with cavities, but endodontists have extensive training to treat and repair complex teeth issues. Most of these affect the roots and pulp. Common causes are cracked teeth, extensive decay, tooth injuries, and abscesses, which all cause persistent pain in patients.

Endodontic Services to Save Teeth

There are options to ensure patients can live pain-free from root infections and retain a full set of teeth. Our primary goal is to save the affected tooth through root canal therapy or endodontic surgery. However, if extraction is the only option, we offer dental implant options to provide patients with replacement teeth.

When to See an Endodontist

You should see a dentist whenever you experience a change in appearance inside your mouth, persistent tooth pain, or sensitivity to hot and cold food or beverages. A dentist will recommend an endodontist if the issue is complex or severe. Conveniently, we have endodontists on staff here in our Kansas City practice.
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Diagnosing Problems With Teeth

All endodontists are dentists, but not all dentists have the additional training that endodontists must undergo. This extensive knowledge makes seeing a specialist important. Our endodontists can diagnose the cause of tooth, oral, and facial pain through X-rays, temperature swabs, and other reliable methods.

Don't Keep Living With Mouth Pain

Dental Specialists KC is a local option in Kansas City, MO to receive endodontic services to repair issues that cause tooth, oral, and jaw pain. When bacteria that live in the mouth penetrate the outer surface of the teeth and get below the gum line, it causes inflammation and health issues. Contact our office today to see an endodontist for reliable treatment.

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