Dental Implants

A Reliable Reason to Flash Your Smile

Dental Specialists KC offers dental implants for Kansas City, MO patients as a reliable and durable option to restore form and function to teeth and gums. Missing teeth make eating and speaking challenging, and while you might become used to the empty space, it can cause additional dental problems if left untreated.
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Understanding How Dental Implants Work

The main component of a dental implant is a titanium post inserted into the jawbone to provide a sturdy base, similar to a tooth root. Once the post has been set, a cap designed to look and act like the other natural teeth in the mouth is placed onto the post. The post in the jawbone promotes healthy growth, and patients are left with a natural-looking prosthetic.

Benefits of Our Dental Implant Solutions

Whether you’re missing one or multiple teeth in your mouth, dental implants will provide a uniform look with dental prosthetics designed to match the color and size of your original teeth. This option can also restore your bite, allow you to eat and drink naturally, prevent teeth from moving, and reduce jawbone deterioration.

A Practice Dedicated to Oral Health

We use state-of-the-art technology and modern dental practices to offer our patients a higher level of care. As a dental practice focused on implants, restorative care, and oral surgery, we can offer comprehensive solutions that treat a variety of dental issues caused by genetics, age, trauma, or old and failing dental work.
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Easy Care and Maintenance

If you’re a candidate for dental implants at Dental Specialists KC in Kansas City, MO, one of the major advantages of this option over other teeth replacement solutions is the ease of care. As a non-removable prosthetic, an implant can be brushed and flossed just like your other teeth without limitations on foods or beverages. Contact us today for a consultation.

Brighter Healthier Smiles

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